Spring 1
Our Learning in Spring 1
In the spring one half-term, we have some very exciting topics. In D/T, we are looking at cam mechanisms. We are going to be building a wooden toy that the children in reception will be testing - we hope they enjoy our creations!
For our history unit of work, we are continuing on from the Anglo-Saxons by studying the Vikings and their invasion of Britain from the Scandinavian countries. This leads us to our geography topic of Denmark, a peninsula country. In which we will be studying landforms, farming and climate.
One of our most exciting topics this term is science. In science, we will be welcoming the addition of chicks to our class. We will be hatching these chicks and studying them from egg to chick as part of our life cycles topic. We cannot wait to welcome them into our classes. Our music topic for this half-term is beats and rhythm. In computing, we will be learning how to use Microsoft Excel, a very useful skill for the future.
In PSHE we are looking at the rule of law, in PE we are learning all about basketball and the different skills involved to play effectively. We are also using P4C to link many of our subjects by choosing a different stimulus each week that encourages the children to discuss different elements of our exciting curriculum.
For English this half-term we will be focusing on Arthur and the golden rope by Joe Todd-Stanton. We are continuing with Power Maths, moving to textbook 5B in which we will be studying topics such as long multiplication and ordering decimals.
Here are some pictures of our learning in Spring 1